- Biological Effects of Foliage Spraying Boron on Pisum Sativum L. 叶面施锰对豌豆生物效应的影响。
- Pisum sativum L. [医] 豌豆
- stem segment of Pisum sativum L. 豌豆的茎切段
- Keywords Pisum sativum L;wounding;jasmonic acid;hydrogen peroxide; 豌豆幼苗;机械伤害;茉莉酸;过氧化氢;
- Keywords Pisum sativum L;Lathanum;Hg stress;photosynthesis ability;remission effect; 豌豆;镧;汞胁迫;光合能力;缓解效应;
- Virus-free culture and rapid-propagation from shoot apex of Allium sativum L. 大蒜分生组织培养脱病毒和快速繁殖技术。
- Its petroleum, ethanol and water extracts showed inhibitory effects on the germination and seedling growth of the garden pea (Pisum sativum). 研究表明它对其它植物有化学互感作用,其地上部分的石油醚、乙醇和水提取物对豌豆的种子萌发和幼苗生长均有抑制作用。
- A Report About Abnormal Mitosis in Root Tip Cells of Allium sativum L. 大蒜根尖细胞有丝分裂发生异常现象的报告。
- The water pollution of Weihe River in the city of Tianshui was monitored by using the micronucleus technique in the root tips of pisum sativum. 利用微核测定法对渭河流域天水段水体污染进行了监测。
- Establishment and optimization of RAPD reaction system of Allium sativum L. 大蒜RAPD反应体系的建立及优化。
- Determination of Linalool in the Volatile Oil of Coriandrum sativum L. 芫荽子挥发油中芳樟醇含量测定。
- A variety of the common pea (Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon) in the pea family, having a soft, thick pod that lacks the fibrous inner lining present in the common pea. 糖荚豌豆:一种豆科中的普通豌豆(豌豆变种大头豌豆)的变异品种,有柔软的厚豆荚,但没有普通豌豆所具有的纤维状的里子
- Definition: Coriander consists of the dried cremocarp of Coriandrum sativum L. 本品为伞形科植物芫荽Coriandrum sativum L.;的干燥双悬果。
- The essential oil was obtained from the coriander(Coriandrum sativum L. 以水蒸汽蒸馏法提取黑龙江产芫荽籽;以0.;50%25的产率获得精油。
- A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones,having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose,edible seeds enclosed in a green,elongated pod. 豌豆属植物,一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子。
- Pisum sativum Linn. 常规基质
- A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum)cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed in a green, elongated pod. 豌豆属植物一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子
- Polymorphism Analysis of Esterase Isozyme in 18 Cultivars of Chinese Allium sativum L. 18个品种的酯酶同工酶多态性分析。
- A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed in a green, elongated pod. 豌豆属植物一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆),栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子
- Study on EST isoenzyme of Oncomelania hupensis affected by water extract of Allium Sativum L. 大蒜(Allium Sativum L.;)对钉螺酯酶同工酶作用的初步研究